
The reflexology course is where we take you on journey of exploring, discovering and mastering four formations of reflexology including:

> Traditional Reflexology
> Crystalline Reflexology
> Hot Stone Reflexology
> Twinflame Reflexology

First you learn the fundamentals of the traditional reflexology before moving on to the crystalline reflexology before moving on to the hot stone reflexology and finishing with the twinflame reflexology.

Each beautiful healing modalities tend to the whole body all through treating the feet. Traditionally working in zones and applying pressure to the points in the feet using a variety of gift of touch and reflexology techniques using your hands, fingers and thumbs.

Crystalline reflexology is where we utilise the knowledge and experience of traditional reflexology then apply this with the knowledge of chakra zones within the feet and work with crystalline energies accordingly. Heightening a traditional reflexology treatment.

Hot stone reflexology is where we utilise the knowledge and experience of tradtional and crystalline reflexology while adding in the power of hot stones. This is to enhance the relaxaion of the client and their muscles for deep healing.

Twinflame reflexology is where I share with you couples reflexology so you can create couple events on how to bond through each others feet. Perfect for valentines day events or alternative couple healing sessions.

Starter Kit
A starter kit is included with this journey and includes:
> Fresh Feet Foot Balm
> Crystal Kit
> Shakti/Shiva Aroma Healing Mists

There are two packages to choose from including:
> Basic: £99
This is online information only.

> Silver: £333
This includes online information, starter kit and practical hands on experience.

Payment Plans Are Available By Special Request.
Please ask for more details.

Course Information

Difficulty: Advanced

Course Instructor

dhyanjyotismith dhyanjyotismith Author






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Body Systems

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Traditional Reflexology

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Crystalline Reflexology

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Hot Stone Reflexology

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Twinflame Reflexology

Hands On Experience

Practical Assessment